Source code for yams.buildobjs

# copyright 2004-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact --
# This file is part of yams.
# yams is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# yams is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with yams. If not, see <>.
"""Classes used to build a schema."""

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from warnings import warn
from copy import copy

from six import add_metaclass, string_types

from logilab.common import attrdict

from yams import (BASE_TYPES, MARKER, BadSchemaDefinition, KNOWN_METAATTRIBUTES,
from yams.constraints import (SizeConstraint, UniqueConstraint,
                              StaticVocabularyConstraint, FORMAT_CONSTRAINT)
from yams.schema import RelationDefinitionSchema

PACKAGE = '<builtin>' # will be modified by the yams'reader when schema is
                      # beeing read

__all__ = ('EntityType', 'RelationType', 'RelationDefinition',
           'SubjectRelation', 'ObjectRelation',
           'RichString', ) + tuple(BASE_TYPES)

# EntityType properties
ETYPE_PROPERTIES = ('description', '__permissions__', '__unique_together__')
# RelationType properties. Don't put description inside, handled specifically
RTYPE_PROPERTIES = ('symmetric', 'inlined', 'fulltext_container')
# RelationDefinition properties have to be computed dynamically since new ones
# may be added at runtime
    base = RelationDefinitionSchema.ALL_PROPERTIES()
    # infered is an internal property and should not be specified explicitly
    # replace permissions by __permissions__ as it's spelled that way in schema
    # definition files
    return tuple(base)
# regroup all rtype/rdef properties as they may be defined one on each other in
# some cases

# pre 0.37 backward compat
RDEF_PROPERTIES = () # stuff added here is also added to underlying dict, nevermind


def _add_constraint(kwargs, constraint):
    """Add constraint to param kwargs."""
    constraints = kwargs.setdefault('constraints', [])
    for i, existingconstraint in enumerate(constraints):
        if existingconstraint.__class__ is constraint.__class__:
            constraints[i] = constraint

def _add_relation(relations, rdef, name=None, insertidx=None):
    """Add relation (param rdef) to list of relations (param relations)."""
    if name is not None: = name
    if insertidx is None:
        insertidx = len(relations)
    relations.insert(insertidx, rdef)
    if getattr(rdef, 'metadata', {}):
        for meta_name, value in rdef.metadata.items():
            assert meta_name in KNOWN_METAATTRIBUTES
            insertidx += 1 # insert meta after main
            meta_rel_name = '_'.join(((name or, meta_name))
            _add_relation(relations, value, meta_rel_name, insertidx)

def _check_kwargs(kwargs, attributes):
    """Check that all keys of kwargs are actual attributes."""
    for key in kwargs:
        if not key in attributes:
            raise BadSchemaDefinition('no such property %r in %r'
                                      % (key, attributes))

def _copy_attributes(fromobj, toobj, attributes):
    for attr in attributes:
        value = getattr(fromobj, attr, MARKER)
        if value is MARKER:
        ovalue = getattr(toobj, attr, MARKER)
        if not ovalue is MARKER and value != ovalue:
            rname = getattr(toobj, 'name', None) or toobj.__name__
            raise BadSchemaDefinition(
                'conflicting values %r/%r for property %s of relation %r'
                % (ovalue, value, attr, rname))
        setattr(toobj, attr, value)

def register_base_types(schema):
    """add base (final) entity types to the given schema"""
    for etype in BASE_TYPES:
        edef = EntityType(name=etype)

# first class schema definition objects #######################################

class autopackage(type):
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict):
        classdict['package'] = PACKAGE
        return super(autopackage, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict)

class Definition(object):
    """Abstract class for entity / relation definition classes."""
    meta = MARKER
    description = MARKER
    __permissions__ = MARKER

    def __init__(self, name=None): = (name or getattr(self, 'name', None)
                     or self.__class__.__name__)
        if self.__doc__:
            self.description = ' '.join(self.__doc__.split())

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s %r @%x>' % (self.__class__.__name__,, id(self))

    def expand_type_definitions(cls, defined):
        """Schema building step 1: register definition objects by adding them
        to the `defined` dictionnary.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def expand_relation_definitions(cls, defined, schema):
        """Schema building step 2: register all relations definition,
        expanding wildcard if necessary.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_permissions(self, final=False):
        if self.__permissions__ is MARKER:
            if final:
                return DEFAULT_ATTRPERMS
            return DEFAULT_RELPERMS
        return self.__permissions__

    def set_permissions(cls, perms):
        cls.__permissions__ = perms

# classes used to define relationships within entity type classes ##################

# has to be defined before the metadefinition metaclass which "isinstance" this
# class
class ObjectRelation(object):
    __permissions__ = MARKER
    cardinality = MARKER
    constraints = MARKER

    def __init__(self, etype, **kwargs):
        if self.__class__.__name__ == 'ObjectRelation':
            warn('[yams 0.29] ObjectRelation is deprecated, '
                 'use RelationDefinition subclass', DeprecationWarning,
        global CREATION_RANK
        CREATION_RANK += 1
        self.creation_rank = CREATION_RANK
        self.package = PACKAGE = '<undefined>'
        self.etype = etype
        if self.constraints:
            self.constraints = list(self.constraints)
        self.override = kwargs.pop('override', False)
        if kwargs.pop('meta', None):
            warn('[yams 0.37.0] meta is deprecated',
                 DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
            _check_kwargs(kwargs, _REL_PROPERTIES())
        except BadSchemaDefinition as bad:
            # XXX (auc) bad field name + required attribute can lead there instead of ~ 920
            bsd_ex = BadSchemaDefinition(('%s in relation to entity %r (also is %r defined ? (check two '
                                          'lines above in the backtrace))') % (bad.args, etype, etype))
            bsd_ex.tb_offset = 2
            raise bsd_ex

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%(name)s %(etype)s' % self.__dict__

class SubjectRelation(ObjectRelation):
    uid = MARKER
    indexed = MARKER
    fulltextindexed = MARKER
    internationalizable = MARKER
    default = MARKER

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%(etype)s %(name)s' % self.__dict__

class AbstractTypedAttribute(SubjectRelation):
    """AbstractTypedAttribute is not directly instantiable

    subclasses must provide a <etype> attribute to be instantiable
    def __init__(self, metadata=None, **kwargs):
        # Store metadata
        if metadata is None:
            metadata = {}
        self.metadata = metadata
        # transform "required" into "cardinality"
        required = kwargs.pop('required', False)
        if required:
            cardinality = '11'
            cardinality = '?1'
        kwargs['cardinality'] = cardinality
        # transform maxsize into SizeConstraint
        maxsize = kwargs.pop('maxsize', None)
        if maxsize is not None:
            _add_constraint(kwargs, SizeConstraint(max=maxsize))
        # formula
        self.formula = kwargs.pop('formula', MARKER)
        # transform vocabulary into StaticVocabularyConstraint
        vocabulary = kwargs.pop('vocabulary', None)
        if vocabulary is not None:
            self.set_vocabulary(vocabulary, kwargs)
        # transform unique into UniqueConstraint
        unique = kwargs.pop('unique', None)
        if unique:
            _add_constraint(kwargs, UniqueConstraint())
        # use the etype attribute provided by subclasses
        super(AbstractTypedAttribute, self).__init__(self.etype, **kwargs)
        # reassign creation rank
        # Main attribute are marked as created before it's metadata.
        # order in meta data is preserved.
        if self.metadata:
            meta = sorted(metadata.values(), key= lambda x: x.creation_rank)
            if meta[0].creation_rank < self.creation_rank:
                m_iter = iter(meta)
                previous = self
                for next in meta:
                    if previous.creation_rank < next.creation_rank:
                    previous.creation_rank, next.creation_rank = next.creation_rank, previous.creation_rank
                    next = previous

    def set_vocabulary(self, vocabulary, kwargs=None):
        if kwargs is None:
            kwargs = self.__dict__
        #constraints = kwargs.setdefault('constraints', [])
        _add_constraint(kwargs, StaticVocabularyConstraint(vocabulary))
        if self.__class__.__name__ == 'String': # XXX
            maxsize = max(len(x) for x in vocabulary)
            _add_constraint(kwargs, SizeConstraint(max=maxsize))

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%(name)s(%(etype)s)>' % self.__dict__

def make_type(etype):
    """create a python class for a Yams base type.

    Notice it is now possible to create a specific type with user-defined
    behaviour, e.g.:

        Geometry = make_type('Geometry') # (c.f. postgis)

    will allow the use of:


    in a Yams schema, provided in this example that `geom_type` is specified to
    the :func:`yams.register_base_type` function which should be called prior to
    assert etype in BASE_TYPES
    return type(etype, (AbstractTypedAttribute,), {'etype' : etype})

# build a specific class for each base type
String = make_type('String')
Password = make_type('Password')
Bytes = make_type('Bytes')
Int = make_type('Int')
BigInt = make_type('BigInt')
Float = make_type('Float')
Boolean = make_type('Boolean')
Decimal = make_type('Decimal')
Time = make_type('Time')
Date = make_type('Date')
Datetime = make_type('Datetime')
TZTime = make_type('TZTime')
TZDatetime = make_type('TZDatetime')
Interval = make_type('Interval')

# provides a RichString factory for convenience
[docs]def RichString(default_format='text/plain', format_constraints=None, **kwargs): """RichString is a convenience attribute type for attribute containing text in a format that should be specified in another attribute. The following declaration:: class Card(EntityType): content = RichString(fulltextindexed=True, default_format='text/rest') is equivalent to:: class Card(EntityType): content_format = String(internationalizable=True, default='text/rest', constraints=[FORMAT_CONSTRAINT]) content = String(fulltextindexed=True) """ format_args = {'default': default_format, 'maxsize': 50} if format_constraints is None: format_args['constraints'] = [FORMAT_CONSTRAINT] else: format_args['constraints'] = format_constraints meta = {'format':String(internationalizable=True, **format_args)} return String(metadata=meta, **kwargs)
# other schema definition classes ############################################## class metadefinition(autopackage): """Metaclass that builds the __relations__ attribute of EntityType's subclasses. """ stacklevel = 3 def __new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict): ### Move (any) relation from the class dict to __relations__ attribute rels = classdict.setdefault('__relations__', []) relations = dict((, rdef) for rdef in rels) for rname, rdef in list(classdict.items()): if isinstance(rdef, ObjectRelation): # relation's name **must** be removed from class namespace # to avoid conflicts with instance's potential attributes del classdict[rname] relations[rname] = rdef ### handle logical inheritance if '__specializes_schema__' in classdict: specialized = bases[0] classdict['__specializes__'] = specialized.__name__ if '__specialized_by__' not in specialized.__dict__: specialized.__specialized_by__ = [] specialized.__specialized_by__.append(name) ### Initialize processed class defclass = super(metadefinition, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict) for rname, rdef in relations.items(): _add_relation(defclass.__relations__, rdef, rname) ### take base classes'relations into account for base in bases: for rdef in getattr(base, '__relations__', ()): if not in relations or not relations[].override: if isinstance(rdef, RelationDefinition): rdef = copy(rdef) if rdef.subject == base.__name__: rdef.subject = name if rdef.object == base.__name__: rdef.object = name rels.append(rdef) else: relations[].creation_rank = rdef.creation_rank ### sort relations by creation rank defclass.__relations__ = sorted(rels, key=lambda r: r.creation_rank) return defclass @add_metaclass(metadefinition) class EntityType(Definition): #::FIXME reader magic forbids to define a docstring... #: an entity has attributes and can be linked to other entities by #: relations. Both entity attributes and relationships are defined by #: class attributes. #: #: kwargs keys must have values in ETYPE_PROPERTIES #: #: Example: #: #: >>> class Project(EntityType): #: ... name = String() #: >>> #: #: After instanciation, EntityType can we altered with dedicated class methods: #: #: .. currentmodule:: yams.buildobjs #: #: .. automethod:: EntityType.extend #: .. automethod:: EntityType.add_relation #: .. automethod:: EntityType.insert_relation_after #: .. automethod:: EntityType.remove_relation #: .. automethod:: EntityType.get_relation #: .. automethod:: EntityType.get_relations __permissions__ = DEFAULT_ETYPEPERMS def __init__(self, name=None, **kwargs): super(EntityType, self).__init__(name) _check_kwargs(kwargs, ETYPE_PROPERTIES) self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.specialized_type = self.__class__.__dict__.get('__specializes__') def __str__(self): return 'entity type %r' % @property def specialized_by(self): return self.__class__.__dict__.get('__specialized_by__', []) @classmethod def expand_type_definitions(cls, defined): """Schema building step 1: register definition objects by adding them to the `defined` dictionnary. """ name = getattr(cls, 'name', cls.__name__) assert cls is not defined.get(name), 'duplicate registration: %s' % name assert name not in defined, \ "type '%s' was already defined here %s, new definition here %s" % \ (name, defined[name].__module__, cls) cls._defined = defined # XXX may be used later (eg .add_relation()) defined[name] = cls for relation in cls.__relations__: cls._ensure_relation_type(relation) @classmethod def _ensure_relation_type(cls, relation): """Check the type the relation return False if the class is not yet finalized (XXX raise excep instead ?)""" rtype = RelationType( _copy_attributes(relation, rtype, RTYPE_PROPERTIES) #assert hasattr(cls, '_defined'), "Type definition for %s not yet expanded. you can't register new type through it" % cls if hasattr(cls, '_defined'): defined = cls._defined if in defined: _copy_attributes(rtype, defined[], RTYPE_PROPERTIES) else: defined[] = rtype return True else: return False @classmethod def expand_relation_definitions(cls, defined, schema): """schema building step 2: register all relations definition, expanding wildcards if necessary """ order = 1 name = getattr(cls, 'name', cls.__name__) rdefprops = _RDEF_PROPERTIES() for relation in cls.__relations__: if isinstance(relation, SubjectRelation): rdef = RelationDefinition(subject=name,, object=relation.etype, order=order, package=relation.package) _copy_attributes(relation, rdef, rdefprops) elif isinstance(relation, ObjectRelation): rdef = RelationDefinition(subject=relation.etype,, object=name, order=order, package=relation.package) _copy_attributes(relation, rdef, rdefprops) elif isinstance(relation, RelationDefinition): rdef = relation else: raise BadSchemaDefinition('dunno how to handle %s' % relation) order += 1 rdef._add_relations(defined, schema) # methods that can be used to extend an existant schema definition ######## @classmethod def extend(cls, othermetadefcls): """add all relations of ``othermetadefcls`` to the current class""" for rdef in othermetadefcls.__relations__: cls.add_relation(rdef) @classmethod def add_relation(cls, rdef, name=None): """Add ``rdef`` relation to the class""" if name: = name if cls._ensure_relation_type(rdef): _add_relation(cls.__relations__, rdef, name) if getattr(rdef, 'metadata', {}) and not rdef in cls._defined: for meta_name in rdef.metadata: format_attr_name = '_'.join(((name or, meta_name)) rdef = next(cls.get_relations(format_attr_name)) cls._ensure_relation_type(rdef) else: _add_relation(cls.__relations__, rdef, name=name) @classmethod def insert_relation_after(cls, afterrelname, name, rdef): """Add ``rdef`` relation to the class right after another""" # FIXME change order of arguments to rdef, name, afterrelname ? = name cls._ensure_relation_type(rdef) for i, rel in enumerate(cls.__relations__): if == afterrelname: break else: raise BadSchemaDefinition("can't find %s relation on %s" % ( afterrelname, cls)) _add_relation(cls.__relations__, rdef, name, i+1) @classmethod def remove_relation(cls, name): """Remove relation from the class""" for rdef in cls.get_relations(name): cls.__relations__.remove(rdef) @classmethod def get_relations(cls, name): """Iterate over relations definitions that match the ``name`` parameters It may iterate multiple definitions when the class is both object and sujet of a relation: """ for rdef in cls.__relations__[:]: if == name: yield rdef @classmethod def get_relation(cls, name): """Return relation definitions by name. Fails if there is multiple one. """ relations = tuple(cls.get_relations(name)) assert len(relations) == 1, "can't use get_relation for relation with multiple definitions" return relations[0] class RelationType(Definition): symmetric = MARKER inlined = MARKER fulltext_container = MARKER rule = MARKER def __init__(self, name=None, **kwargs): """kwargs must have values in RTYPE_PROPERTIES""" super(RelationType, self).__init__(name) if kwargs.pop('meta', None): warn('[yams 0.37] meta is deprecated', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) _check_kwargs(kwargs, RTYPE_PROPERTIES + ('description', '__permissions__')) self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def __str__(self): return 'relation type %r' % @classmethod def expand_type_definitions(cls, defined): """schema building step 1: register definition objects by adding them to the `defined` dictionnary """ name = getattr(cls, 'name', cls.__name__) if cls.__doc__ and not cls.description: cls.description = ' '.join(cls.__doc__.split()) if name in defined: if defined[name].__class__ is not RelationType: raise BadSchemaDefinition('duplicated relation type for %s' % name) # relation type created from a relation definition, override it allprops = _REL_PROPERTIES() + ('subject', 'object') _copy_attributes(defined[name], cls, allprops) defined[name] = cls @classmethod def expand_relation_definitions(cls, defined, schema): """schema building step 2: register all relations definition, expanding wildcard if necessary """ name = getattr(cls, 'name', cls.__name__) if getattr(cls, 'subject', None) and getattr(cls, 'object', None): rdef = RelationDefinition(subject=cls.subject, name=name, object=cls.object) _copy_attributes(cls, rdef, _RDEF_PROPERTIES()) rdef._add_relations(defined, schema) class ComputedRelation(RelationType): __permissions__ = MARKER def __init__(self, name=None, rule=None, **kwargs): if rule is not None: self.rule = rule super(ComputedRelation, self).__init__(name, **kwargs) class RelationDefinition(Definition): # FIXME reader magic forbids to define a docstring... #"""a relation is defined by a name, the entity types that can be #subject or object the relation, the cardinality, the constraints #and the symmetric property. #""" subject = MARKER object = MARKER cardinality = MARKER constraints = MARKER symmetric = MARKER inlined = MARKER formula = MARKER def __init__(self, subject=None, name=None, object=None, package=None, **kwargs): """kwargs keys must have values in _RDEF_PROPERTIES()""" if subject: self.subject = subject else: self.subject = self.__class__.subject if object: self.object = object else: self.object = self.__class__.object super(RelationDefinition, self).__init__(name) global CREATION_RANK CREATION_RANK += 1 self.creation_rank = CREATION_RANK if package is not None: self.package = package elif self.package == '<builtin>': self.package = PACKAGE if kwargs.pop('meta', None): warn('[yams 0.37] meta is deprecated', DeprecationWarning) rdefprops = _RDEF_PROPERTIES() _check_kwargs(kwargs, rdefprops) _copy_attributes(attrdict(**kwargs), self, rdefprops) if self.constraints: self.constraints = list(self.constraints) def __str__(self): return 'relation definition (%(subject)s %(name)s %(object)s)' % self.__dict__ @classmethod def expand_type_definitions(cls, defined): """schema building step 1: register definition objects by adding them to the `defined` dictionnary """ name = getattr(cls, 'name', cls.__name__) rtype = RelationType(name) _copy_attributes(cls, rtype, RTYPE_PROPERTIES) if name in defined: _copy_attributes(rtype, defined[name], RTYPE_PROPERTIES) else: defined[name] = rtype # subject and object in defined's keys are only strings not tuples if isinstance(cls.subject, tuple): subjects = cls.subject else: subjects = (cls.subject, ) if isinstance(cls.object, tuple): objects = cls.object else: objects = (cls.object, ) for sub in subjects: for obj in objects: key = (sub, name, obj) if key in defined: raise BadSchemaDefinition( 'duplicated relation definition (%s) %s (%s.%s)' % (defined[key], key, cls.__module__, cls.__name__)) defined[key] = cls # XXX keep this for bw compat defined[(cls.subject, name, cls.object)] = cls @classmethod def expand_relation_definitions(cls, defined, schema): """schema building step 2: register all relations definition, expanding wildcard if necessary """ assert cls.subject and cls.object, '%s; check the schema (%s, %s)' % (cls, cls.subject, cls.object) cls()._add_relations(defined, schema) def _add_relations(self, defined, schema): name = getattr(self, 'name', self.__class__.__name__) rtype = defined[name] rdefprops = _RDEF_PROPERTIES() # copy relation definition attributes set on the relation type, beside # description _copy_attributes(rtype, self, set(rdefprops) - set(('description',))) # process default cardinality and constraints if not set yet cardinality = self.cardinality if cardinality is MARKER: if self.object in BASE_TYPES: self.cardinality = '?1' else: self.cardinality = '**' else: assert len(cardinality) == 2 assert cardinality[0] in '1?+*' assert cardinality[1] in '1?+*' if not self.constraints: self.constraints = () rschema = schema.rschema(name) if rschema.rule: raise BadSchemaDefinition( 'Cannot add relation definition on a computed relation') if self.__permissions__ is MARKER: final = next(iter(_actual_types(schema, self.object))) in BASE_TYPES if final: if self.formula is not MARKER: permissions = DEFAULT_COMPUTED_ATTRPERMS else: permissions = DEFAULT_ATTRPERMS else: permissions = DEFAULT_RELPERMS else: permissions = self.__permissions__ for subj in _actual_types(schema, self.subject): for obj in _actual_types(schema, self.object): rdef = RelationDefinition(subj, name, obj, __permissions__=permissions, package=self.package) _copy_attributes(self, rdef, rdefprops) schema.add_relation_def(rdef) def _actual_types(schema, etype): if etype == '*': return _pow_etypes(schema) if isinstance(etype, (list, tuple)): return etype if not isinstance(etype, string_types): raise RuntimeError('Entity types must not be instances but strings ' 'or list/tuples thereof. Ex. (bad, good) : ' 'SubjectRelation(Foo), SubjectRelation("Foo"). ' 'Hence, %r is not acceptable.' % etype) return (etype,) def _pow_etypes(schema): for eschema in schema.entities(): if continue yield eschema.type