Source code for cubicweb.dataimport.pgstore

# copyright 2003-2016 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
"""Postgres specific store"""

from __future__ import print_function

import warnings
import os.path as osp
from io import StringIO
from time import asctime
from datetime import date, datetime, time
from collections import defaultdict

from six import string_types, integer_types, text_type, add_metaclass
from six.moves import cPickle as pickle, range

from logilab.common.deprecation import class_deprecated

from cubicweb.utils import make_uid
from cubicweb.server.sqlutils import SQL_PREFIX
from cubicweb.dataimport.stores import NoHookRQLObjectStore

def _execmany_thread_not_copy_from(cu, statement, data, table=None,
                                   columns=None, encoding='utf-8'):
    """ Execute thread without copy from
    cu.executemany(statement, data)

def _execmany_thread_copy_from(cu, statement, data, table,
                               columns, encoding='utf-8'):
    """ Execute thread with copy from
        buf = _create_copyfrom_buffer(data, columns, encoding=encoding)
    except ValueError:
        _execmany_thread_not_copy_from(cu, statement, data)
        if columns is None:
            cu.copy_from(buf, table, null=u'NULL')
            cu.copy_from(buf, table, null=u'NULL', columns=columns)

def _execmany_thread(sql_connect, statements, dump_output_dir=None,
                     support_copy_from=True, encoding='utf-8'):
    Execute sql statement. If 'INSERT INTO', try to use 'COPY FROM' command,
    or fallback to execute_many.
    if support_copy_from:
        execmany_func = _execmany_thread_copy_from
        execmany_func = _execmany_thread_not_copy_from
    cnx = sql_connect()
    cu = cnx.cursor()
        for statement, data in statements:
            table = None
            columns = None
                if not statement.startswith('INSERT INTO'):
                    cu.executemany(statement, data)
                table = statement.split()[2]
                if isinstance(data[0], (tuple, list)):
                    columns = None
                    columns = list(data[0])
                execmany_func(cu, statement, data, table, columns, encoding)
            except Exception:
                print('unable to copy data into table %s' % table)
                # Error in import statement, save data in dump_output_dir
                if dump_output_dir is not None:
                    pdata = {'data': data, 'statement': statement,
                             'time': asctime(), 'columns': columns}
                    filename = make_uid()
                        with open(osp.join(dump_output_dir,
                                           '%s.pickle' % filename), 'wb') as fobj:
                            pickle.dump(pdata, fobj)
                    except IOError:
                        print('ERROR while pickling in', dump_output_dir, filename+'.pickle')

def _copyfrom_buffer_convert_None(value, **opts):
    '''Convert None value to "NULL"'''
    return u'NULL'

def _copyfrom_buffer_convert_number(value, **opts):
    '''Convert a number into its string representation'''
    return text_type(value)

def _copyfrom_buffer_convert_string(value, **opts):
    '''Convert string value.
    escape_chars = ((u'\\', u'\\\\'), (u'\t', u'\\t'), (u'\r', u'\\r'),
                    (u'\n', u'\\n'))
    for char, replace in escape_chars:
        value = value.replace(char, replace)
    return value

def _copyfrom_buffer_convert_date(value, **opts):
    '''Convert date into "YYYY-MM-DD"'''
    # Do not use strftime, as it yields issue with date < 1900
    # (
    return u'%04d-%02d-%02d' % (value.year, value.month,

def _copyfrom_buffer_convert_datetime(value, **opts):
    '''Convert date into "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.UUUUUU"'''
    # Do not use strftime, as it yields issue with date < 1900
    # (
    return u'%s %s' % (_copyfrom_buffer_convert_date(value, **opts),
                       _copyfrom_buffer_convert_time(value, **opts))

def _copyfrom_buffer_convert_time(value, **opts):
    '''Convert time into "HH:MM:SS.UUUUUU"'''
    return u'%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d' % (value.hour, value.minute,
                                     value.second, value.microsecond)

# (types, converter) list.
    (type(None), _copyfrom_buffer_convert_None),
    (integer_types + (float,), _copyfrom_buffer_convert_number),
    (string_types, _copyfrom_buffer_convert_string),
    (datetime, _copyfrom_buffer_convert_datetime),
    (date, _copyfrom_buffer_convert_date),
    (time, _copyfrom_buffer_convert_time),

def _create_copyfrom_buffer(data, columns=None, **convert_opts):
    Create a StringIO buffer for 'COPY FROM' command.
    Deals with Unicode, Int, Float, Date... (see ``converters``)

    :data: a sequence/dict of tuples
    :columns: list of columns to consider (default to all columns)
    :converter_opts: keyword arguements given to converters
    # Create a list rather than directly create a StringIO
    # to correctly write lines separated by '\n' in a single step
    rows = []
    if columns is None:
        if isinstance(data[0], (tuple, list)):
            columns = list(range(len(data[0])))
        elif isinstance(data[0], dict):
            columns = data[0].keys()
            raise ValueError('Could not get columns: you must provide columns.')
    for row in data:
        # Iterate over the different columns and the different values
        # and try to convert them to a correct datatype.
        # If an error is raised, do not continue.
        formatted_row = []
        for col in columns:
                value = row[col]
            except KeyError:
                warnings.warn(u"Column %s is not accessible in row %s"
                              % (col, row), RuntimeWarning)
                # XXX 'value' set to None so that the import does not end in
                # error.
                # Instead, the extra keys are set to NULL from the
                # database point of view.
                value = None
            for types, converter in _COPYFROM_BUFFER_CONVERTERS:
                if isinstance(value, types):
                    value = converter(value, **convert_opts)
                    assert isinstance(value, text_type)
                raise ValueError("Unsupported value type %s" % type(value))
            # We push the value to the new formatted row
            # if the value is not None and could be converted to a string.
    return StringIO('\n'.join(rows))

[docs]@add_metaclass(class_deprecated) class SQLGenObjectStore(NoHookRQLObjectStore): """Controller of the data import process. This version is based on direct insertions throught SQL command (COPY FROM or execute many). >>> store = SQLGenObjectStore(cnx) >>> store.create_entity('Person', ...) >>> store.flush() """ __deprecation_warning__ = '[3.23] this class is deprecated, use MassiveObjectStore instead' def __init__(self, cnx, dump_output_dir=None, nb_threads_statement=1): """ Initialize a SQLGenObjectStore. Parameters: - cnx: connection on the cubicweb instance - dump_output_dir: a directory to dump failed statements for easier recovery. Default is None (no dump). """ super(SQLGenObjectStore, self).__init__(cnx) ### hijack default source self._system_source = SQLGenSourceWrapper( self._system_source, cnx.vreg.schema, dump_output_dir=dump_output_dir) ### XXX This is done in super().__init__(), but should be ### redone here to link to the correct source self._add_relation = self._system_source.add_relation self.indexes_etypes = {} if nb_threads_statement != 1: warnings.warn('[3.21] SQLGenObjectStore is no longer threaded', DeprecationWarning)
[docs] def flush(self): """Flush data to the database""" self._system_source.flush()
def relate(self, subj_eid, rtype, obj_eid, **kwargs): if subj_eid is None or obj_eid is None: return # XXX Could subjtype be inferred ? self._add_relation(self._cnx, subj_eid, rtype, obj_eid, self.rschema(rtype).inlined, **kwargs) if self.rschema(rtype).symmetric: self._add_relation(self._cnx, obj_eid, rtype, subj_eid, self.rschema(rtype).inlined, **kwargs)
[docs] def drop_indexes(self, etype): """Drop indexes for a given entity type""" if etype not in self.indexes_etypes: cu = def index_to_attr(index): """turn an index name to (database) attribute name""" return index.replace(etype.lower(), '').replace('idx', '').strip('_') indices = [(index, index_to_attr(index)) for index in self._system_source.dbhelper.list_indices(cu, etype) # Do not consider 'cw_etype_pkey' index if not index.endswith('key')] self.indexes_etypes[etype] = indices for index, attr in self.indexes_etypes[etype]: self._cnx.system_sql('DROP INDEX %s' % index)
[docs] def create_indexes(self, etype): """Recreate indexes for a given entity type""" for index, attr in self.indexes_etypes.get(etype, []): sql = 'CREATE INDEX %s ON cw_%s(%s)' % (index, etype, attr) self._cnx.system_sql(sql)
########################################################################### ## SQL Source ############################################################# ########################################################################### class SQLGenSourceWrapper(object): def __init__(self, system_source, schema, dump_output_dir=None): self.system_source = system_source # Explicitely backport attributes from system source self._storage_handler = self.system_source._storage_handler self.preprocess_entity = self.system_source.preprocess_entity self.sqlgen = self.system_source.sqlgen self.uri = self.system_source.uri self.eid = self.system_source.eid # Directory to write temporary files self.dump_output_dir = dump_output_dir # Allow to execute code with SQLite backend that does # not support (yet...) copy_from # XXX Should be dealt with in logilab.database spcfrom = system_source.dbhelper.dbapi_module.support_copy_from self.support_copy_from = spcfrom self.dbencoding = system_source.dbhelper.dbencoding self.init_statement_lists() self._inlined_rtypes_cache = {} self._fill_inlined_rtypes_cache(schema) self.schema = schema self.do_fti = False def _fill_inlined_rtypes_cache(self, schema): cache = self._inlined_rtypes_cache for eschema in schema.entities(): for rschema in eschema.ordered_relations(): if rschema.inlined: cache[eschema.type] = SQL_PREFIX + rschema.type def init_statement_lists(self): self._sql_entities = defaultdict(list) self._sql_relations = {} self._sql_inlined_relations = {} self._sql_eids = defaultdict(list) # keep track, for each eid of the corresponding data dict self._sql_eid_insertdicts = {} def flush(self): print('starting flush') _entities_sql = self._sql_entities _relations_sql = self._sql_relations _inlined_relations_sql = self._sql_inlined_relations _insertdicts = self._sql_eid_insertdicts try: # try, for each inlined_relation, to find if we're also creating # the host entity (i.e. the subject of the relation). # In that case, simply update the insert dict and remove # the need to make the # UPDATE statement for statement, datalist in _inlined_relations_sql.items(): new_datalist = [] # for a given inlined relation, # browse each couple to be inserted for data in datalist: keys = list(data) # For inlined relations, it exists only two case: # (rtype, cw_eid) or (cw_eid, rtype) if keys[0] == 'cw_eid': rtype = keys[1] else: rtype = keys[0] updated_eid = data['cw_eid'] if updated_eid in _insertdicts: _insertdicts[updated_eid][rtype] = data[rtype] else: # could not find corresponding insert dict, keep the # UPDATE query new_datalist.append(data) _inlined_relations_sql[statement] = new_datalist _execmany_thread(self.system_source.get_connection, list(self._sql_eids.items()) + list(_entities_sql.items()) + list(_relations_sql.items()) + list(_inlined_relations_sql.items()), dump_output_dir=self.dump_output_dir, support_copy_from=self.support_copy_from, encoding=self.dbencoding) finally: _entities_sql.clear() _relations_sql.clear() _insertdicts.clear() _inlined_relations_sql.clear() def add_relation(self, cnx, subject, rtype, object, inlined=False, **kwargs): if inlined: _sql = self._sql_inlined_relations data = {'cw_eid': subject, SQL_PREFIX + rtype: object} subjtype = kwargs.get('subjtype') if subjtype is None: # Try to infer it targets = [t.type for t in self.schema.rschema(rtype).subjects()] if len(targets) == 1: subjtype = targets[0] else: raise ValueError('You should give the subject etype for ' 'inlined relation %s' ', as it cannot be inferred: ' 'this type is given as keyword argument ' '``subjtype``' % rtype) statement = self.sqlgen.update(SQL_PREFIX + subjtype, data, ['cw_eid']) else: _sql = self._sql_relations data = {'eid_from': subject, 'eid_to': object} statement = self.sqlgen.insert('%s_relation' % rtype, data) if statement in _sql: _sql[statement].append(data) else: _sql[statement] = [data] def add_entity(self, cnx, entity): with self._storage_handler(cnx, entity, 'added'): attrs = self.preprocess_entity(entity) rtypes = self._inlined_rtypes_cache.get(entity.cw_etype, ()) if isinstance(rtypes, str): rtypes = (rtypes,) for rtype in rtypes: if rtype not in attrs: attrs[rtype] = None sql = self.sqlgen.insert(SQL_PREFIX + entity.cw_etype, attrs) self._sql_eid_insertdicts[entity.eid] = attrs self._append_to_entities(sql, attrs) def _append_to_entities(self, sql, attrs): self._sql_entities[sql].append(attrs) def _handle_insert_entity_sql(self, cnx, sql, attrs): self._sql_eids[sql].append(attrs) def _handle_is_relation_sql(self, cnx, sql, attrs): self._append_to_entities(sql, attrs) def _handle_is_instance_of_sql(self, cnx, sql, attrs): self._append_to_entities(sql, attrs) def _handle_source_relation_sql(self, cnx, sql, attrs): self._append_to_entities(sql, attrs) # add_info is _copypasted_ from the one in NativeSQLSource. We want it # there because it will use the _handlers of the SQLGenSourceWrapper, which # are not like the ones in the native source. def add_info(self, cnx, entity, source): """add type and source info for an eid into the system table""" # begin by inserting eid/type/source into the entities table attrs = {'type': entity.cw_etype, 'eid': entity.eid} self._handle_insert_entity_sql(cnx, self.sqlgen.insert('entities', attrs), attrs) # insert core relations: is, is_instance_of and cw_source self._handle_is_relation_sql(cnx, 'INSERT INTO is_relation(eid_from,eid_to) VALUES (%s,%s)', (entity.eid, entity.e_schema.eid)) for eschema in entity.e_schema.ancestors() + [entity.e_schema]: self._handle_is_relation_sql(cnx, 'INSERT INTO is_instance_of_relation(eid_from,eid_to) VALUES (%s,%s)', (entity.eid, eschema.eid)) self._handle_is_relation_sql(cnx, 'INSERT INTO cw_source_relation(eid_from,eid_to) VALUES (%s,%s)', (entity.eid, source.eid)) # now we can update the full text index if self.do_fti and self.need_fti_indexation(entity.cw_etype): self.index_entity(cnx, entity=entity)