Source code for cubicweb.req

# copyright 2003-2016 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
"""Base class for request/session"""

from warnings import warn
from datetime import time, datetime, timedelta

from six import PY2, PY3, text_type
from six.moves.urllib.parse import (parse_qs, parse_qsl,
                                    quote as urlquote, unquote as urlunquote,
                                    urlsplit, urlunsplit)

from logilab.common.decorators import cached
from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated
from import ustrftime, strptime, todate, todatetime

from rql.utils import rqlvar_maker

from cubicweb import (Unauthorized, NoSelectableObject, NoResultError,
                      MultipleResultsError, uilib)
from cubicweb.rset import ResultSet

ONESECOND = timedelta(0, 1, 0)

[docs]class FindEntityError(Exception): """raised when find_one_entity() can not return one and only one entity"""
class Cache(dict): def __init__(self): super(Cache, self).__init__() _now = self.cache_creation_date = _now self.latest_cache_lookup = _now
[docs]class RequestSessionBase(object): """base class containing stuff shared by server session and web request request/session is the main resources accessor, mainly through it's vreg attribute: :attribute vreg: the instance's registry :attribute vreg.schema: the instance's schema :attribute vreg.config: the instance's configuration """ is_request = True # False for repository session def __init__(self, vreg): self.vreg = vreg try: encoding = vreg.property_value('ui.encoding') except Exception: # no vreg or property not registered encoding = 'utf-8' self.encoding = encoding # cache result of execution for (rql expr / eids), # should be emptied on commit/rollback of the server session / web # connection self.user = None self.lang = None self.local_perm_cache = {} self._ = text_type def _set_user(self, orig_user): """set the user for this req_session_base A special method is needed to ensure the linked user is linked to the connection too. """ rset = self.eid_rset(orig_user.eid, 'CWUser') user = self.vreg['etypes'].etype_class('CWUser')(self, rset, row=0) user.cw_attr_cache['login'] = orig_user.login # cache login self.user = user self.set_entity_cache(user)
[docs] def set_language(self, lang): """install i18n configuration for `lang` translation. Raises :exc:`KeyError` if translation doesn't exist. """ self.lang = lang try: gettext, pgettext = self.vreg.config.translations[lang] except KeyError: assert self.vreg.config.mode == 'test' gettext = text_type def pgettext(x, y): return text_type(y) # use _cw.__ to translate a message without registering it to the catalog self._ = self.__ = gettext self.pgettext = pgettext
def get_option_value(self, option): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def property_value(self, key): """return value of the property with the given key, giving priority to user specific value if any, else using site value """ if self.user: val = self.user.property_value(key) if val is not None: return val return self.vreg.property_value(key)
[docs] def etype_rset(self, etype, size=1): """return a fake result set for a particular entity type""" rset = ResultSet([('A',)] * size, '%s X' % etype, description=[(etype,)] * size) def get_entity(row, col=0, etype=etype, req=self, rset=rset): return req.vreg['etypes'].etype_class(etype)(req, rset, row, col) rset.get_entity = get_entity rset.req = self return rset
[docs] def eid_rset(self, eid, etype=None): """return a result set for the given eid without doing actual query (we have the eid, we can suppose it exists and user has access to the entity) """ eid = int(eid) if etype is None: etype = self.entity_type(eid) rset = ResultSet([(eid,)], 'Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': eid}, [(etype,)]) rset.req = self return rset
[docs] def empty_rset(self): """ return a guaranteed empty result """ rset = ResultSet([], 'Any X WHERE X eid -1') rset.req = self return rset
[docs] def entity_from_eid(self, eid, etype=None): """return an entity instance for the given eid. No query is done""" try: return self.entity_cache(eid) except KeyError: rset = self.eid_rset(eid, etype) entity = rset.get_entity(0, 0) self.set_entity_cache(entity) return entity
def entity_cache(self, eid): raise KeyError def set_entity_cache(self, entity): pass
[docs] def create_entity(self, etype, **kwargs): """add a new entity of the given type Example (in a shell session): >>> c = create_entity('Company', name=u'Logilab') >>> create_entity('Person', firstname=u'John', surname=u'Doe', ... works_for=c) """ cls = self.vreg['etypes'].etype_class(etype) return cls.cw_instantiate(self.execute, **kwargs)
@deprecated('[3.18] use find(etype, **kwargs).entities()') def find_entities(self, etype, **kwargs): """find entities of the given type and attribute values. >>> users = find_entities('CWGroup', name=u'users') >>> groups = find_entities('CWGroup') """ return self.find(etype, **kwargs).entities() @deprecated('[3.18] use find(etype, **kwargs).one()') def find_one_entity(self, etype, **kwargs): """find one entity of the given type and attribute values. raise :exc:`FindEntityError` if can not return one and only one entity. >>> users = find_one_entity('CWGroup', name=u'users') >>> groups = find_one_entity('CWGroup') Exception() """ try: return self.find(etype, **kwargs).one() except (NoResultError, MultipleResultsError) as e: raise FindEntityError("%s: (%s, %s)" % (str(e), etype, kwargs))
[docs] def find(self, etype, **kwargs): """find entities of the given type and attribute values. :returns: A :class:`ResultSet` >>> users = find('CWGroup', name=u"users").one() >>> groups = find('CWGroup').entities() """ parts = ['Any X WHERE X is {0}'.format(etype)] varmaker = rqlvar_maker(defined='X') eschema = self.vreg.schema.eschema(etype) for attr, value in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple): raise NotImplementedError( '{0}: list of values are not supported'.format(attr)) if hasattr(value, 'eid'): kwargs[attr] = value.eid if attr.startswith('reverse_'): attr = attr[8:] if attr not in eschema.objrels: raise KeyError('{0} not in {1} object relations'.format(attr, eschema)) parts.append('{var} {attr} X, {var} eid %(reverse_{attr})s'.format( var=next(varmaker), attr=attr)) else: rel = eschema.subjrels.get(attr) if rel is None: raise KeyError('{0} not in {1} subject relations'.format(attr, eschema)) if parts.append('X {attr} %({attr})s'.format(attr=attr)) else: parts.append('X {attr} {var}, {var} eid %({attr})s'.format( attr=attr, var=next(varmaker))) rql = ', '.join(parts) return self.execute(rql, kwargs)
[docs] def ensure_ro_rql(self, rql): """raise an exception if the given rql is not a select query""" first = rql.split(None, 1)[0].lower() if first in ('insert', 'set', 'delete'): raise Unauthorized(self._('only select queries are authorized'))
[docs] def get_cache(self, cachename): """cachename should be dotted names as in : - cubicweb.mycache - - etc. """ warn.warning('[3.19] .get_cache will disappear soon. ' 'Distributed caching mechanisms are being introduced instead.' 'Other caching mechanism can be used more reliably ' 'to the same effect.', DeprecationWarning) if cachename in CACHE_REGISTRY: cache = CACHE_REGISTRY[cachename] else: cache = CACHE_REGISTRY[cachename] = Cache() _now = if _now > cache.latest_cache_lookup + ONESECOND: ecache = self.execute( 'Any C,T WHERE C is CWCache, C name %(name)s, C timestamp T', {'name': cachename}).get_entity(0, 0) cache.latest_cache_lookup = _now if not ecache.valid(cache.cache_creation_date): cache.clear() cache.cache_creation_date = _now return cache
# url generation methods ##################################################
[docs] def build_url(self, *args, **kwargs): """return an absolute URL using params dictionary key/values as URL parameters. Values are automatically URL quoted, and the publishing method to use may be specified or will be guessed. raises :exc:`ValueError` if None is found in arguments """ # use *args since we don't want first argument to be "anonymous" to # avoid potential clash with kwargs method = None if args: assert len(args) == 1, 'only 0 or 1 non-named-argument expected' method = args[0] if method is None: method = 'view' # XXX I (adim) think that if method is passed explicitly, we should # not try to process it and directly call req.build_url() base_url = kwargs.pop('base_url', None) if base_url is None: if kwargs.pop('__secure__', None) is not None: warn('[3.25] __secure__ argument is deprecated', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) base_url = self.base_url() path = self.build_url_path(method, kwargs) if not kwargs: return u'%s%s' % (base_url, path) return u'%s%s?%s' % (base_url, path, self.build_url_params(**kwargs))
[docs] def build_url_path(self, method, kwargs): """return the "path" part of an URL""" if '_restpath' in kwargs: assert method == 'view', repr(method) path = kwargs.pop('_restpath') else: path = method return path
[docs] def build_url_params(self, **kwargs): """return encoded params to incorporate them in a URL""" args = [] for param, values in kwargs.items(): if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)): values = (values,) for value in values: assert value is not None args.append(u'%s=%s' % (param, self.url_quote(value))) return '&'.join(args)
[docs] def url_quote(self, value, safe=''): """urllib.quote is not unicode safe, use this method to do the necessary encoding / decoding. Also it's designed to quote each part of a url path and so the '/' character will be encoded as well. """ if PY2 and isinstance(value, text_type): quoted = urlquote(value.encode(self.encoding), safe=safe) return text_type(quoted, self.encoding) return urlquote(str(value), safe=safe)
[docs] def url_unquote(self, quoted): """returns a unicode unquoted string decoding is based on `self.encoding` which is the encoding used in `url_quote` """ if PY3: return urlunquote(quoted) if isinstance(quoted, text_type): quoted = quoted.encode(self.encoding) try: return text_type(urlunquote(quoted), self.encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: # might occurs on manually typed URLs return text_type(urlunquote(quoted), 'iso-8859-1')
[docs] def url_parse_qsl(self, querystring): """return a list of (key, val) found in the url quoted query string""" if PY3: for key, val in parse_qsl(querystring): yield key, val return if isinstance(querystring, text_type): querystring = querystring.encode(self.encoding) for key, val in parse_qsl(querystring): try: yield text_type(key, self.encoding), text_type(val, self.encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: # might occurs on manually typed URLs yield text_type(key, 'iso-8859-1'), text_type(val, 'iso-8859-1')
[docs] def rebuild_url(self, url, **newparams): """return the given url with newparams inserted. If any new params is already specified in the url, it's overriden by the new value newparams may only be mono-valued. """ if PY2 and isinstance(url, text_type): url = url.encode(self.encoding) schema, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url) query = parse_qs(query) # sort for testing predictability for key, val in sorted(newparams.items()): query[key] = (self.url_quote(val),) query = '&'.join(u'%s=%s' % (param, value) for param, values in sorted(query.items()) for value in values) return urlunsplit((schema, netloc, path, query, fragment))
# bound user related methods ############################################### @cached def user_data(self): """returns a dictionary with this user's information. The keys are : login The user login name The user name, returned by email The user principal email """ userinfo = {} user = self.user userinfo['login'] = user.login userinfo['name'] = userinfo['email'] = user.cw_adapt_to('IEmailable').get_email() return userinfo # formating methods #######################################################
[docs] def view(self, __vid, rset=None, __fallback_oid=None, __registry='views', initargs=None, w=None, **kwargs): """Select object with the given id (`__oid`) then render it. If the object isn't selectable, try to select fallback object if `__fallback_oid` is specified. If specified `initargs` is expected to be a dictionary containing arguments that should be given to selection (hence to object's __init__ as well), but not to render(). Other arbitrary keyword arguments will be given to selection *and* to render(), and so should be handled by object's call or cell_call method.. """ if initargs is None: initargs = kwargs else: initargs.update(kwargs) try: view = self.vreg[__registry].select(__vid, self, rset=rset, **initargs) except NoSelectableObject: if __fallback_oid is None: raise view = self.vreg[__registry].select(__fallback_oid, self, rset=rset, **initargs) return view.render(w=w, **kwargs)
[docs] def printable_value(self, attrtype, value, props=None, displaytime=True, formatters=uilib.PRINTERS): """return a displayablye value (i.e. unicode string)""" if value is None: return u'' try: as_string = formatters[attrtype] except KeyError: self.error('given bad attrtype %s', attrtype) return text_type(value) return as_string(value, self, props, displaytime)
[docs] def format_date(self, date, date_format=None, time=False): """return a string for a date time according to instance's configuration """ if date is not None: if date_format is None: if time: date_format = self.property_value('ui.datetime-format') else: date_format = self.property_value('') return ustrftime(date, date_format) return u''
[docs] def format_time(self, time): """return a string for a time according to instance's configuration """ if time is not None: return ustrftime(time, self.property_value('ui.time-format')) return u''
[docs] def format_float(self, num): """return a string for floating point number according to instance's configuration """ if num is not None: return self.property_value('ui.float-format') % num return u''
[docs] def parse_datetime(self, value, etype='Datetime'): """get a datetime or time from a string (according to etype) Datetime formatted as Date are accepted """ assert etype in ('Datetime', 'Date', 'Time'), etype # XXX raise proper validation error if etype == 'Datetime': format = self.property_value('ui.datetime-format') try: return todatetime(strptime(value, format)) except ValueError: pass elif etype == 'Time': format = self.property_value('ui.time-format') try: # (adim) I can't find a way to parse a time with a custom format date = strptime(value, format) # this returns a datetime return time(date.hour, date.minute, date.second) except ValueError: raise ValueError(self._('can\'t parse %(value)r (expected %(format)s)') % {'value': value, 'format': format}) try: format = self.property_value('') dt = strptime(value, format) if etype == 'Datetime': return todatetime(dt) return todate(dt) except ValueError: raise ValueError(self._('can\'t parse %(value)r (expected %(format)s)') % {'value': value, 'format': format})
[docs] def base_url(self, **kwargs): """Return the root url of the instance.""" secure = kwargs.pop('secure', None) if secure is not None: warn('[3.25] secure argument is deprecated', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if kwargs: raise TypeError('base_url got unexpected keyword arguments %s' % ', '.join(kwargs)) url = self.vreg.config['base-url'] return url if url is None else url.rstrip('/') + '/'