14. Source connections pooler

CubicWeb comes with a connections pool for it’s datasource (typically sqlite or postgresql), it is a dynamic pool meaning that:

  • it will keep a minimum number of connections open (by default 0)
  • when load increase it will open new connections
  • if a max number of connections is set it will stop once it’s reached
  • if the max number of connections is zero, it is considered to be unlimited
  • after some idle time (connections-pool-idle-timeout), if no new connections needed to be open on a new request, the pool will close one unused connection if the queue isn’t empty
  • if no connection are available after some time and the max number of connections has been reached, the connections pool will raise. To fix this, you can either increase the value of connections-pool-max-size or set it to 0 for an unlimited number of connections. A minimum of 5 connections per process is recommended if you want to set a max number.

Note that the connections pool won’t be activated in some “quick start” situations like database dump/restore.

14.1. Configuration

The values used by the connections pool are fully configurable in your instance configuration file (usually the all-in-one.conf), here is the list:

  • connections-pooler-enabled: enable the connections pooler, default: true. You want to disable the pool if you are using another external pooling system like pgbouncer.
  • connections-pool-max-size: max size of the connections pool. 0 means unlimited. Each source supporting multiple connections will have this maximum number of opened connections, default: 0
  • connections-pool-min-size: min size of the connections pool. Each source supporting multiple connections will have this minimum number of opened connections, default: 0
  • connections-pool-idle-timeout: the delay, in seconds, after the last opened connection before which the pool will start closing unused connections. A connection is only closed on a request that didn’t need to create a new connection, default: 600