Source code for cubicweb.dataimport.stores

# copyright 2003-2016 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
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Stores are responsible to insert properly formatted entities and relations into the database. They
have the following API::

    >>> user_eid = store.prepare_insert_entity('CWUser', login=u'johndoe')
    >>> group_eid = store.prepare_insert_entity('CWUser', name=u'unknown')
    >>> store.prepare_insert_relation(user_eid, 'in_group', group_eid)
    >>> store.flush()
    >>> store.commit()
    >>> store.finish()

Some store **requires a flush** to copy data in the database, so if you want to have store
independant code you should explicitly call it. (There may be multiple flushes during the
process, or only one at the end if there is no memory issue). This is different from the
commit which validates the database transaction. At last, the `finish()` method should be called in
case the store requires additional work once everything is done.

* ``prepare_insert_entity(<entity type>, **kwargs) -> eid``: given an entity
  type, attributes and inlined relations, return the eid of the entity to be
  inserted, *with no guarantee that anything has been inserted in database*,

* ``prepare_update_entity(<entity type>, eid, **kwargs) -> None``: given an
  entity type and eid, promise for update given attributes and inlined
  relations *with no guarantee that anything has been inserted in database*,

* ``prepare_insert_relation(eid_from, rtype, eid_to) -> None``: indicate that a
  relation ``rtype`` should be added between entities with eids ``eid_from``
  and ``eid_to``. Similar to ``prepare_insert_entity()``, *there is no
  guarantee that the relation will be inserted in database*,

* ``flush() -> None``: flush any temporary data to database. May be called
  several times during an import,

* ``commit() -> None``: commit the database transaction,

* ``finish() -> None``: additional stuff to do after import is terminated.

.. autoclass:: cubicweb.dataimport.stores.NullStore
.. autoclass:: cubicweb.dataimport.stores.RQLObjectStore
.. autoclass:: cubicweb.dataimport.stores.NoHookRQLObjectStore
.. autoclass:: cubicweb.dataimport.stores.MetadataGenerator
import inspect
from datetime import datetime
from copy import copy
from itertools import count

import pytz

from logilab.common.decorators import cached
from logilab.common.deprecation import class_deprecated

from cubicweb.schema import META_RTYPES, VIRTUAL_RTYPES
from cubicweb.server.edition import EditedEntity

[docs]class NullStore(object): """Store that mainly describe the store API. It may be handy to test input data files or to measure time taken by steps above the store (e.g. data parsing, importer, etc.): simply give a :class:`NullStore` instance instead of the actual store. """ def __init__(self): self._eid_gen = count() def prepare_insert_entity(self, *args, **kwargs): """Given an entity type, attributes and inlined relations, return the inserted entity's eid. """ return next(self._eid_gen) def prepare_update_entity(self, etype, eid, **kwargs): """Given an entity type and eid, update the corresponding entity with specified attributes and inlined relations. """ def prepare_insert_relation(self, eid_from, rtype, eid_to, **kwargs): """Insert into the database a relation ``rtype`` between entities with eids ``eid_from`` and ``eid_to``. """ def flush(self): """Flush internal data structures.""" def commit(self): """Commit the database transaction.""" def finish(self): """Import is terminated, do necessary cleanup."""
[docs]class RQLObjectStore(NullStore): """Store that works by making RQL queries, hence with all the cubicweb's machinery activated.""" def __init__(self, cnx): self._cnx = cnx self._commit = cnx.commit # XXX 3.21 deprecated attributes self.eids = {} self.types = {}
[docs] def rql(self, *args): """Execute a RQL query. This is NOT part of the store API.""" return self._cnx.execute(*args)
[docs] def prepare_insert_entity(self, *args, **kwargs): entity = self._cnx.create_entity(*args, **kwargs) self.eids[entity.eid] = entity self.types.setdefault(args[0], []).append(entity.eid) return entity.eid
[docs] def prepare_update_entity(self, etype, eid, **kwargs): entity = self._cnx.entity_from_eid(eid) assert entity.cw_etype == etype, "Trying to update with wrong type %s" % etype # XXX some inlined relations may already exists entity.cw_set(**kwargs)
[docs] def prepare_insert_relation(self, eid_from, rtype, eid_to, **kwargs): self.rql( "SET X %s Y WHERE X eid %%(x)s, Y eid %%(y)s" % rtype, {"x": int(eid_from), "y": int(eid_to)}, )
[docs] def commit(self): return self._commit()
[docs]class NoHookRQLObjectStore(RQLObjectStore): """Store that works by accessing low-level CubicWeb's source API, with all hooks deactivated. It may be given a metadata generator object to handle metadata which are usually handled by hooks. Arguments: - `cnx`, a connection to the repository - `metagen`, optional :class:`MetadataGenerator` instance """ def __init__(self, cnx, metagen=None): super(NoHookRQLObjectStore, self).__init__(cnx) if metagen is None: metagen = MetadataGenerator(cnx) if isinstance(metagen, MetadataGenerator): metagen = _MetaGeneratorBWCompatWrapper(metagen) self.metagen = metagen self._system_source = cnx.repo.system_source self._rschema = cnx.repo.schema.rschema self._create_eid = self._system_source.create_eid self._add_relation = self._system_source.add_relation self._nb_inserted_entities = 0 self._nb_inserted_types = 0 self._nb_inserted_relations = 0 # deactivate security cnx.read_security = False cnx.write_security = False
[docs] def prepare_insert_entity(self, etype, **kwargs): """Given an entity type, attributes and inlined relations, returns the inserted entity's eid. """ for k, v in kwargs.items(): kwargs[k] = getattr(v, "eid", v) entity, rels = self.metagen.base_etype_dicts(etype) # make a copy to keep cached entity pristine entity = copy(entity) entity.cw_edited = copy(entity.cw_edited) entity.cw_clear_relation_cache() entity.cw_edited.update(kwargs, skipsec=False) cnx = self._cnx entity.eid = self._create_eid(cnx) entity_source = self.metagen.init_entity(entity) self._system_source.add_info(cnx, entity, entity_source) self._system_source.add_entity(cnx, entity) kwargs = dict() if inspect.getfullargspec(self._add_relation).varkw: kwargs["subjtype"] = entity.cw_etype for rtype, targeteids in rels.items(): # targeteids may be a single eid or a list of eids inlined = self._rschema(rtype).inlined try: for targeteid in targeteids: self._add_relation( cnx, entity.eid, rtype, targeteid, inlined, **kwargs ) except TypeError: self._add_relation( cnx, entity.eid, rtype, targeteids, inlined, **kwargs ) self._nb_inserted_entities += 1 return entity.eid
# XXX: prepare_update_entity is inherited from RQLObjectStore, it should be reimplemented to # actually skip hooks as prepare_insert_entity
[docs] def prepare_insert_relation(self, eid_from, rtype, eid_to, **kwargs): """Insert into the database a relation ``rtype`` between entities with eids ``eid_from`` and ``eid_to``. """ assert not rtype.startswith("reverse_") rschema = self._rschema(rtype) self._add_relation(self._cnx, eid_from, rtype, eid_to, rschema.inlined) if rschema.symmetric: self._add_relation(self._cnx, eid_to, rtype, eid_from, rschema.inlined) self._nb_inserted_relations += 1
[docs]class MetadataGenerator(object): """Class responsible for generating standard metadata for imported entities. You may want to derive it to add application specific's metadata. This class (or a subclass) may either be given to a nohook or massive store. Parameters: * `cnx`: connection to the repository * `baseurl`: optional base URL to be used for `cwuri` generation - default to config['base-url'] * `source`: optional source to be used as `cw_source` for imported entities """ META_RELATIONS = frozenset( META_RTYPES - VIRTUAL_RTYPES - set(("eid", "cwuri", "is", "is_instance_of", "cw_source")) ) def __init__(self, cnx, baseurl=None, source=None, meta_skipped=()): self._cnx = cnx if baseurl is None: config = cnx.vreg.config baseurl = config["base-url"] or config.default_base_url() if not baseurl[-1] == "/": baseurl += "/" self._baseurl = baseurl if source is None: source = cnx.repo.system_source self.source = source self._now = # attributes/relations shared by all entities of the same type self._etype_attrs = [] self._etype_rels = [] # attributes/relations specific to each entity self._entity_attrs = ["cwuri"] rschema = cnx.vreg.schema.rschema self.meta_relations = self.META_RELATIONS - set(meta_skipped) for rtype in self.meta_relations: # skip owned_by / created_by if user is the internal manager if cnx.user.eid == -1 and rtype in ("owned_by", "created_by"): continue if rschema(rtype).final: self._etype_attrs.append(rtype) else: self._etype_rels.append(rtype) # etype is provided in the 3 methods below as proven useful to custom implementation but not # used by the default implementation def etype_attrs(self, etype): """Return the list of attributes to be set for all entities of the given type.""" return self._etype_attrs[:] def etype_rels(self, etype): """Return the list of relations to be set for all entities of the given type.""" return self._etype_rels[:] def entity_attrs(self, etype): """Return the list of attributes whose value is set per instance, not per type, for the given type. """ return self._entity_attrs[:] @cached def base_etype_attrs(self, etype): """Return a dictionary of attributes to be set for all entities of the given type.""" attrs = {} for attr in self.etype_attrs(etype): genfunc = self._generator(attr) if genfunc: attrs[attr] = genfunc(etype) return attrs @cached def base_etype_rels(self, etype): """Return a dictionary of relations to be set for all entities of the given type.""" rels = {} for rel in self.etype_rels(etype): genfunc = self._generator(rel) if genfunc: rels[rel] = genfunc(etype) return rels def init_entity_attrs(self, etype, eid, attrs): """Insert into an entity attrs dictionary attributes whose value is set per instance, not per type. """ for attr in self.entity_attrs(etype): if attr in attrs: # already set, skip this attribute continue genfunc = self._generator(attr) if genfunc: attrs[attr] = genfunc(etype, eid, attrs) def _generator(self, rtype): return getattr(self, "gen_%s" % rtype, None) def gen_cwuri(self, etype, eid, attrs): assert self._baseurl, "baseurl is None while generating cwuri" return "%s%s" % (self._baseurl, eid) def gen_creation_date(self, etype): return self._now def gen_modification_date(self, etype): return self._now def gen_created_by(self, etype): return self._cnx.user.eid def gen_owned_by(self, etype): return self._cnx.user.eid
class _MetaGeneratorBWCompatWrapper(object): """Class wrapping a MetadataGenerator to adapt it to the MetaGenerator interface.""" META_RELATIONS = ( META_RTYPES - VIRTUAL_RTYPES - set(("eid", "cwuri", "is", "is_instance_of", "cw_source")) ) def __init__(self, mdgenerator): self._mdgen = mdgenerator @cached def base_etype_dicts(self, etype): cnx = self._mdgen._cnx entity = cnx.vreg["etypes"].etype_class(etype)(cnx) # entity are "surface" copied, avoid shared dict between copies del entity.cw_extra_kwargs entity.cw_edited = EditedEntity(entity) attrs = self._mdgen.base_etype_attrs(etype) entity.cw_edited.update(attrs, skipsec=False) rels = self._mdgen.base_etype_rels(etype) return entity, rels def init_entity(self, entity): attrs = dict(entity.cw_edited) self._mdgen.init_entity_attrs(entity.cw_etype, entity.eid, attrs) entity.cw_edited.update(attrs, skipsec=False) return self._mdgen.source class MetaGenerator(object, metaclass=class_deprecated): """Class responsible for generating standard metadata for imported entities. You may want to derive it to add application specific's metadata. Parameters: * `cnx`: connection to the repository * `baseurl`: optional base URL to be used for `cwuri` generation - default to config['base-url'] * `source`: optional source to be used as `cw_source` for imported entities """ __deprecation_warning__ = ( "[3.23] this class is deprecated, use MetadataGenerator instead" ) META_RELATIONS = MetadataGenerator.META_RELATIONS def __init__(self, cnx, baseurl=None, source=None): self._cnx = cnx if baseurl is None: config = cnx.vreg.config baseurl = config["base-url"] or config.default_base_url() if not baseurl[-1] == "/": baseurl += "/" self.baseurl = baseurl if source is None: source = cnx.repo.system_source self.source = source self._now = # attributes/relations shared by all entities of the same type self.etype_attrs = [] self.etype_rels = [] # attributes/relations specific to each entity self.entity_attrs = ["cwuri"] rschema = cnx.vreg.schema.rschema for rtype in self.META_RELATIONS: # skip owned_by / created_by if user is the internal manager if cnx.user.eid == -1 and rtype in ("owned_by", "created_by"): continue if rschema(rtype).final: self.etype_attrs.append(rtype) else: self.etype_rels.append(rtype) @cached def base_etype_dicts(self, etype): entity = self._cnx.vreg["etypes"].etype_class(etype)(self._cnx) # entity are "surface" copied, avoid shared dict between copies del entity.cw_extra_kwargs entity.cw_edited = EditedEntity(entity) for attr in self.etype_attrs: genfunc = self.generate(attr) if genfunc: entity.cw_edited.edited_attribute(attr, genfunc(entity)) rels = {} for rel in self.etype_rels: genfunc = self.generate(rel) if genfunc: rels[rel] = genfunc(entity) return entity, rels def init_entity(self, entity): for attr in self.entity_attrs: if attr in entity.cw_edited: # already set, skip this attribute continue genfunc = self.generate(attr) if genfunc: entity.cw_edited.edited_attribute(attr, genfunc(entity)) return self.source def generate(self, rtype): return getattr(self, "gen_%s" % rtype, None) def gen_cwuri(self, entity): assert self.baseurl, "baseurl is None while generating cwuri" return "%s%s" % (self.baseurl, entity.eid) def gen_creation_date(self, entity): return self._now def gen_modification_date(self, entity): return self._now def gen_created_by(self, entity): return self._cnx.user.eid def gen_owned_by(self, entity): return self._cnx.user.eid