Data management with CubicWeb#

Import data#

With our application customized, let’s see how to import more data. There is several ways to import data in CubicWeb. In our tutorial, we want to import our museums from a csv file. This file is provided by the France’s Ministry of Culture, and is available here.

There are several ways to import data in CubicWeb; in this tutorial, we will use one of them, the others are described here: Data Import.

First of all, we define in tuto/cubicweb_tuto/ a function which will read a file from a filepath and create the corresponding entities, using a CubicWeb connection:

import csv

def import_museums(cnx, filepath):
    existing_cities = dict(cnx.execute("Any Z, C Where C is City, C zip_code Z"))
    existing_cities_nb = len(existing_cities)
    created_museum_nb = 0
    with open(filepath) as fileobj:
        reader = csv.DictReader(fileobj, delimiter=";")
        for record in reader:
            museum_name = record["NOM DU MUSEE"]
            street = record["ADR"]
            zip_code = record["CP"]
            city_name = record["VILLE"]
                lat, lng = record["coordonnees_finales"].split(",")
                lat_long = {
                    "latitude": lat,
                    "longitude": lng,
            except (AttributeError, ValueError):
                lat_long = {}
                city = existing_cities[zip_code]
            except KeyError:
                city = cnx.create_entity("City", name=city_name, zip_code=zip_code)
                existing_cities[zip_code] = city.eid
                postal_address=f"{street}, {zip_code} {city_name}",
            created_museum_nb += 1

        "Import finished! {} existing cities, {} cities created, {} museums created.".format(
            len(existing_cities) - existing_cities_nb,

To be sure we don’t have several time the same city, we first query CubicWeb to ask for all existing city. To do this, we use a specific language called RQL. As for SPARQL, it’s a query language designed to query linked data. See Introduction for more information about it.

Then, we put existing cities in a dictionary, using zip code as key. In the real world, a zip code can concern several cities, but it’s not really an issue in this tutorial.

For each line of our csv file, we will check if we already have the city in our base. If not, we create it. Then, we create our Museum entity with all needed arguments.

To create an entity, we use the create_entity method of the CubicWeb connection. This method takes as first argument the type of the entity (ie: the name of the corresponding class previously defined in tuto/cubicweb_tuto/, and then all arguments of the entity type.

In our example, a city needs a name and a zip code. A museum needs a name, a postal address, a latitude, a longitude and a city. As is_in is a relation, we give to the corresponding argument the eid of the city.


As we have defined Museum in the schema, we have to link each instance of Museum to a City, that’s why we create the city before the museum, and give this city as argument of the museum.

If the city wasn’t mandatory, we could add it later, using:


To use our function we need to create a CubicWeb command that will call it. First, we create a file tuto/cubicweb_tuto/ (the name doesn’t matter, but it is commonly used for all new CubicWeb commands). Then, we write the following code:

from cubicweb.cwctl import CWCTL
from cubicweb.toolsutils import Command
from cubicweb.utils import admincnx

from cubicweb_tuto.dataimport import import_museums

class ImportMuseums(Command):
    Import Museums and Cities from a CSV from:

    arguments = "<instance> <csv_file>"
    name = "import-museums"
    min_args = max_args = 2

    def run(self, args):
        appid, csv_file = args[:2]

        with admincnx(appid) as cnx:
            import_museums(cnx, csv_file)
  • @CWCTL.register allows to register the command and then make it available with cubicweb-ctl command by its name.

  • arguments defines which arguments take our command.

  • name defines the name of the command.

  • with admincnx(appid) as cnx allows to have an admin access to our instance, and then be able to create new entities.

Thus, to execute our import command, we just have to enter in our shell (within our virtual env):

cubicweb-ctl import-museums tuto_instance <path_to_the_csv>

After this script, we should be able to see that we have much more cities and museums by visiting the homepage of our CubicWeb instance:

A CubicWeb instance with several cities and museums.

RDF serialisation#

Content negotiation#