1. Install a CubicWeb environment#

Official releases are available from the CubicWeb.org forge and from PyPI. Since CubicWeb is developed using Agile software development techniques, releases happen frequently. In a version numbered X.Y.Z, X changes after a few years when the API breaks, Y changes after a few weeks when features are added and Z changes after a few days when bugs are fixed.

Additional configuration can be found in the section Configure a CubicWeb environment for better control and advanced features of CubicWeb.

1.1. Install system dependencies#

Assuming your are using a Debian system, here are the packages you need to install:

apt install gettext graphviz

gettext is used for translations (see Internationalization), and graphviz to display relation schemas within the website.

1.2. Install CubicWeb#

CubicWeb can be safely installed, used and contained inside a virtual environment. To create and activate a virtual environment, use the following commands:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Then, install CubicWeb and its dependencies by running:

pip install cubicweb

1.3. Install cubes#

Many components, called cubes, are available. Those cubes can help expanding the functionalities offered by CubicWeb. A list is available at PyPI or at the CubicWeb.org forge.

For example the api cube can be installed using:

pip install cubicweb-api